Ceramic or Glass mugs: Which one to choose?

Ceramic or Glass mugs: Which one to choose?

Amidst this daily hustle-bustle, we scarcely find any opportunity to spend some quality time with our family and friends. But, whenever even if it is once in a blue moon, we get any chance to sit with our near and dear ones, a mug of coffee is mandatory to have. Hence, many people purchase coffee mugs or cups with greater likelihood. But while purchasing cups or mugs, so many people get confused about what to buy, a ceramic or a glass mug! If you are one of them, read on this blog by the highly-rated online dining accessories supplier in...

Must-have wintertime bowls you must bring this winter

Must-have wintertime bowls you must bring this winter

As Indian is classified as a hot tropical country, most people of India wait for Winter to come and make the weather cool, soothing, and tranquil at least for 2-3 months. And, finally, now the most awaited season of the year has come. Yes, winter is banging our doors with hands full of joy and merriment. Because, winter is a season of picnic, outing, eating and drinking, and what not! Even if you are not outing with your friends, a hot bowl of soup, ramen noodles, and salads can make your day at home lying on your bed with your...

4 fascinating decorative ideas for your balcony

4 fascinating decorative ideas for your balcony

If someone ever asks you about your favorite place in the entire house you live in, what would be your answer? Let us guess that! Is not the balcony the happiest place in your home? We are sure that it is the balcony. Apart from your personal preference, your balcony contributes a lot to the overall looks of your house as it is visible to all from the outside. Hence, it is also a responsibility to make your balcony look beautiful, decorative, and moreover, attractive in front of all. Because, believe it or not, sometimes and somewhere people really do...

7 easily overlooked bathroom accessories that are essential

7 easily overlooked bathroom accessories that are essential

In a house, the bathroom is one of the rooms that need to get updated regularly. But, in order to pay more attention to the bigger rooms, such as the living room, dining room, and drawing room, the bathroom often gets neglected. But your bathroom deserves an equal amount of attention as it is one of the important rooms of your house. Through this blog, the most recommended luxury homeware products supplier in Kolkata will make you aware of the 7 often-overlooked bathroom accessories that every house needs.     1. A multipurpose vanity set- A multipurpose vanity set is...

4 easy and temporary décor ideas for rental homes

4 easy and temporary décor ideas for rental homes

No matter whether you are a renter or it is your own property, it is quite obvious that you would like to stay at a place that is clean, moderate, and a bit decorated too. Nobody wants to live amidst a messed-up atmosphere. Even the tenants nowadays are more likely to decorate their rented house in order to feel like it is their own. But, in the cases of rental homes, the way of decoration differs a bit from someone’s own property. Hence, this blog penned by the highly-rated artistic home décor items supplier in Kolkata is going to disclose...

5 budget-friendly kitchen decorating hacks

5 budget-friendly kitchen decorating hacks

The kitchen is the center of the day-to-day living of your family. Because your day most likely starts in your kitchen with a cup of coffee or an energizing morning meal. Hence, you deserve to commence every day in a reposeful and energy-efficient atmosphere in your very own kitchen. Besides, your family, friends, and guests often gather in the kitchen to socialize, eat, and cook together. And, your kitchen becomes a bonding area that not only links up to your dwelling but also ties your near and dear ones together. So, decorate your kitchen with the help of the following 5 tips...

Decorate your room with the help of luxury homeware products from The Gallery Store

Decorate your room with the help of luxury homeware products from The Gallery Store

Our home is our own abode, it is certainly the place to which we want to return at the end of the day. After a long day resting at your place is certainly one thing that everyone needs. The rooms in your home certainly deserve more attention to make it feel like your own niche. The Gallery Store, the reputed luxury homeware products supplier in Kolkata helps to decorate the rooms in your house in such a manner to add a touch of your own imagination. Online dining accessories are also available at the gallery store. The set of dining accessories and luxury homeware...

How does a good home décor affect your mind?

How does a good home décor affect your mind?

Your home is the ultimate place where you return at the end of the day and feel relaxed while kicking off your damn shoes. But, do you know what exactly pacifies your mind when you are home? It is the surrounding. Yes, the home decoration works effectively to uplift your mood. This blog by the renowned supplier of luxury homeware products in Kolkata is going to explore many ways in which home décor does the magic to uplift your mood. Furniture to comfort- Just as we often say this proverb, “Beauty with a brain”, beauty with comfort is also one...

6 hacks to upraise your bedroom décor

6 hacks to upraise your bedroom décor

It is indeed needless to say that your bedroom is one of the most important rooms of your home. Your bedroom is the place where to return at the end of the day. Imagine resting in your own bedroom after a tiring day. Isn’t it the most peaceful time of the day? This is why your bedroom deserves more attention to make it feel like your own homey place. To help you get started, The Gallery Store, the reputed luxury homeware products supplier in Kolkata has gathered 6 ideas to jazz up your bedroom décor. Make a fascinating gallery wall:...

How Paintings Can Change the Look of Your Room?

How Paintings Can Change the Look of Your Room?

Keyword: Buy Paintings Online Kolkata If you are racking your brain on how to make your room more beautiful in quite a subtle way, look no more. You have come to the right place. Yes, a painting. A painting can uplift the ambiance of your room quite easily. Instead of trying to decorate your room in various ways, you can now buy paintings online in Kolkata. We will tell you the five ways how just one painting can change the look of your room. Introducing movement If you are not familiar with this term, movement is used in a very...